Wengen Photo Shoot

Wengen Photo Shoot

Lucas surprised Lydia with a marriage proposal yesterday high up in the mountains that surround Lauterbrunnen and Wengen. Afterwards a photo shoot.

The weather had been bad the day before. It was unsettled at the beginning of the day of the engagement. I arranged a new time to meet Lucas at Lauterbrunnen railway station. It can be a busy place with the platform getting crowded. On one side is the train to Interlaken. The other side is the train to Wengen and the Kleine Scheidegg.

Lucas spotted me on the platform. I was wearing a distinctive red hat in the colors of the Norwegian flag. I can’t be missed. Lucas had sent me a picture on WhatsApp. We boarded the train to Kleine Scheidegg. They got off when I did and followed me at a distance down the trail. I was set up and ready when they arrived. I pretended to be a landscape photographer. Lydia came over and asked me to take a picture of them. Which I did. A few minutes later Lucas went down on one knee and proposed marriage.

Amazing!!!!!! Thank you!!!!! Really appreciate it John. You are really good at what you do – Lucas on WhatsApp

Tip: Use a local photographer

Use a photographer or someone who knows the area. Their website shows lots of photo shoots from the area. I recently saw on a photographer’s website showing her pictures of a surprise engagement. A couple from Singapore. It was in a field in Lauterbrunnen. There was nothing in her pictures to show that it was Lauterbrunnen. It could have been anywhere. I bet it cost the couple a lot of money to have the photographer travel from Zurich to Lauterbrunnen (and back again).

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Wengen Photo Shoot

Wengen Photo Shoot

Wengen Photo Shoot

Wengen Photo Shoot

Wengen Photo Shoot

Wengen Photo Shoot