Lea and Martin’s Wedding in Spiez Castle

Wedding in Schloss Spiez on the 3rd July, 2021. Photographer for the wedding of Lea and Martin in the Swiss medieval castle and church in Spiez. A beautiful location on a hill overlooking Thunersee lake in the Berner Oberland in Switzerland. The management and staff are extremely helpful and friendly and the food is delicious.

This is a beautiful location in Switzerland to celebrate your wedding. Aperitif outdoors after the ceremony in the gardens with a spectacular view of Thunersee lake and the Swiss town of Spiez.

E-mail von Lea und Martin:

“Oh my god, the pictures are so beautiful!! We are so happy 🙂 THANK YOU, it’s so perfect. We’re endlessly grateful for your passion and commitment.”

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Swiss Wedding in Grand Hotel Giessbach

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Here is the link to my contact form

Wedding Schloss Spiez Castle

Wedding Schloss Spiez Castle

Wedding Schloss Spiez Castle

Wedding Schloss Spiez Castle
Wedding Schloss Spiez

A Change in Color

The sun has disappeared, the clouds have arrived and it’s staring to rain. This helps create another color to the pictures. Light is also being reflected from the grass and the trees. We are heading towards the “Golden Hour”. It’s a favorite time of the day to take pictures.
Wedding Schloss Spiez
Wedding Schloss Spiez
Wedding Schloss Spiez Castle

Wedding Schloss Spiez Castle

Wedding Schloss Spiez Castle

Wedding Schloss Spiez Castle

After Wedding thank you card

After Wedding thank you card

After Wedding thank you card