Ed goes down on one knee and proposes marriage to Amanda. An early morning surprise engagement on the Iseltwald Pier.

They had a car and were able to be at the pier at 8 a.m. We were lucky with the weather!

The early morning sun can be a challenge. It is low in the sky and reflects off the lake. It might create a color cast. This day was perfect. The clouds were high in the sky giving us visibility and blocking the sun rays.

The turnstile could be dissuading people from standing on the Iseltwald pier. Tour groups only have a limited time in Iseltwald. It’s quicker to take pictures on the side of the lake with the pier in the background.

Please note: your engagement will not be private if it is in the middle of the day. People on the bank of the lake will notice you. They will clap and cheer afterwards. Some will shout “Congratulations!”

Are you planning an engagement on the pier later this year? Remember to check the time of the sunrise.

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Marriage Proposal on Iseltwald Pier

surprise engagement

Marriage Proposal on Iseltwald Pier

Marriage Proposal on Iseltwald Pier